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Nettle Leaf

Urtica dioica L.

sku-e: E003/1
standardization: DER 4:1, DER 5:1, DER 6:1
plant part: Folium
ema: EMA/HMPC/461160/2008
pharmacopoeia: Ph. Eur. 01/2011:1897

Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) belongs to the Urticaceae family and it can be found throught the whole Poland. Herbal raw materials of the plant are root, leaf and herb (Urticae folium/herba/radix). Nettle root has different functions than leaf and herb. Leaf and herb are rich in minerals, mainly silica, calcium, iron, flavonoids, organic acids (formic, acetic) and vitamins (A, B2, B5, C, E i K). These materials can be used as a diuretic agent in inflamation of urinary tract. They also help with skin problems, rheumatic diseases and kidney stones. Fresh and young leaves are recommended for exhaustion and benign anaemia. In the cosmetic industry leaf and herb are used to strenghten damaged and oily hair. The other use is wasinhg skin with acne. Nettle root contains lectins, phytosterols, tannins, polysaccharides and coumarin. It can be used for benign enlargment of prostate gland.

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